
中山 元


Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Huhnes (with Prof. Keibel). (1900) Normentafeln zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere, Heft 2. Jena.
Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Wellensittichs. (inaugural dissertation.) (1901) Anatomische Blatter (Anatomical Institute, Freiburg), Heft LVI/LVII. (Wiesbaden, I. F. Bergmann.)
Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Delirium tremens der Morphinisten. (1902) C., Jahrg. XXV, June, S. 369?80.
ber Versuche mit 'Veronal' bei Erregungszustanden der Paralytiker. (1904) C., Jahrg.
Abraham, K.(1907). On the significance of Sexual Trauma in Childhood for the Symptomatology of Dementia Praecox. In Hilda, C., Abraham, M.D.(Ed) (1955). Clinical Papers and Essays on Psycho-Analysis. London : The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Abraham, K.(1909). Dreams and Myths : A study in folk-Psychology. In Hilda, C., Abraham, M.D.(Ed) (1955). Clinical Papers and Essays on Psycho-Analysis. London : The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Abraham, K.(1911). Giovanni Segantini : A Psycho-analytical Study. In Hilda, C., Abraham, M.D.(Ed) (1955). Clinical Papers and Essays on Psycho-Analysis. London : The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Abraham, K. (1912). Amenhotep IV. Psycho-analytical Contributions Towards the understanding of his Personality and of the Monotheistic Cult of Aton. . In Hilda, C., Abraham, M.D.(Ed) (1955). Clinical Papers and Essays on Psycho-Analysis. London : The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Abraham, K. (1920). The Cultural Significance of Psycho-analysis. In Hilda, C., Abraham, M.D.(Ed) (1955). Clinical Papers and Essays on Psycho-Analysis. London : The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Abraham, K (1921). Contributions to the theory of the anal character. In Stein, D.J, Stone, M. H. (Ed) (1997). Essential papers on obsessive-compulsive disorders. New York: New York University Press.
Abraham, K The influence of oral erotism on character-formation. In Perzow, S. M., Kets de Vries, M.F.R. (Ed) (1991). Handbook of character studies: Psychoanalytic explorations. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.
Abraham, K. A short study of the development of the libido. In Frankiel, R.V. (Ed) (1994). Essential papers on object loss, New York: New York University Press.


アーブラハム論文集 抑うつ・強迫・去勢の精神分析 (現代精神分析双書)
K.アーブラハム(著)/ 下坂 幸三(ほか訳)
出版社: 岩崎学術出版社:22cm/262p

●足とコルセットのフェティシズムの一症例の精神分析についての覚え書 (p.151-161)

Selected Papers of Karl Abraham

Selected Papers of Karl Abraham

〇I. The Experiencing of Sexual Traumas as a Form of Sexual Activity (1907)
〇II. The Psycho-Sexual Differences between Hysteria and Dementia Praecox (1908) .
〇III. The Psychological Relations between Sexuality and Alcoholism (1908)
〇IV. Hysterical Dream-states (1910) .
●V. Remarks on the Psycho-Analysis of a Case of Foot and Corset Fetishism (1910)
●VI. Notes on the Psycho-Analytical Investigation and Treatment of Manic-depressive Insanity and Allied Conditions (19ii) .
〇VII. A Complicated Ceremonial Found in Neurotic Women (1912)
〇VIII. Mental After-effects produced in a Nine-yearold Child by the Observation of Sexual Intercourse between its Parents (1913)
〇IX. Restrictions and Transformations of Scoptophilia in Psycho-neurotics with Remarks on Analogous Phenomena in Folk-Psychology (1913)
●X. A Constitutional Basis of Locomotor Anxiety (I9I3)
〇XI. The Ear and Auditory Passage as Erotogenic Zones (1913)
〇XII. The First Pregenital Stage of the Libido (1916)
〇XIII. Ljaculatio Prjecox (1917)
●XIV. The Spending of Money in Anxiety States (1917)
●XV. A Particular Form of Neurotic Resistance AGAINST THE PSYCHO-ANALYTIC METHOD (1919)
〇XVI. The Applicability of Psycho-Analytic Treatment to Patients at an Advanced Age (1919)
〇XVII. The Narcissistic Evaluation of Excretory Procfsses in Dreams and Neurosis (1920)
●XVIII. Contribution to a Discussion on Tic (1921)
●XIX. The Spider as a Dream Symbol (1922)
〇XX. An Infantile Theory of the Origin of the Female Sex (1923)
〇XXL An Infantile Sexual Theory not hitherto Noted (1925)
●XXII. Manifestations of the Female Castration Complex (1920)
●XXIII. Contributions to the Theory of the Anal Character (1921)
●XXIV. The Influence of Oral Erotism on Character Formation (1924)
●XXV. Character-Formation on the Genital Levelof the Libido (1925)
●XXVI. A Short Study of the Development of the Libido, viewed in the Light of Mental Disorders (1924)
Part I Manic-Depressive States and the Pre-genital Levels of the Iibido .
I. Melancholia and Obsessional Neurosis
II. Object-Loss and Introjection in Normal Mourning and in Abnormal States of Mind
III. The Process of Introjection in Melancholia:Two Stages of the Oral Phase of the Libido
IV. Notes on the Psychogenesis of Melancholia
V. The Infantile Prototype of Melancholic Depression
VI. Mania
VII. The Psycho-Analytic Therapy of Manic Depressive States
Part II Origins and Growth of Object-Love